Event Disclaimer and Terms

You must agree to the Disclaimer and Terms below before registering


I accept that the use of an approved bicycle helmet is a compulsory requirement for participation in the event.

For the 50km & 110km routes, I confirm that I am at least 16 years of age, and I confirm that I have inspected the route map, and am physically fit and capable of completing my chosen distance.

For the 13km route, the event is open to those over 10 years of age. This is conditional of the minor being accompanied by a responsible parent or guardian (at least 18 years old). The parent/guardian is primarily responsible for the well-being of the minor, and confirm that both he/she and the minor is physically fit and capable of completing the course. Parents/Guardians must remain with their young charges at all times.

I understand that I may encounter unassisted junctions on the course & I understand that road closures will not be in effect.  I understand that the normal rules of the road apply at all times.  In this respect, as a cyclist on a public road, I am responsible for my own actions and personal safety

In consideration of acceptance of my entry to Cycle Ataxia, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, my executors and administrators, waive any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against the Cycle Ataxia Trust, all participating groups, sponsors, and any individuals associated with this event, their representatives, successors and assigns, and will hold them harmless for any and all injuries and/or damages suffered in connection with this event. I understand that the risks of a lengthy bicycle ride include, but are not limited to, head injuries, fractures, dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, heart attack and other possible minor and major injuries and I assume full and complete responsibility for any injury or accident which may occur during my participation in this event. Furthermore, I take full responsibility for my actions and will pay for any damages I cause. 

Upon registration I was asked if I was a member of Cycling Ireland. I understand that by selecting yes I am declining a 1 day insurance cover on the grounds that I already possess cycling insurance as part of my cycling Ireland membership. I understand that insurance is a absolute requirement to take part in this cycle, and that if I do not already possess cycling insurance, I must pay the additional €2 for a 1 day insurance policy.

If it should become necessary for me to receive medical treatment for any reason during this event, I understand that my medical insurance is the only coverage I will receive. I hereby release the representatives, committee members, sponsors, affiliates, all participating groups, and all participating individuals associated with Cycle Ataxia from any liability related to personal damage or injury. 

Photos/General Media Release: 

I hereby irrevocably give the Cycle Ataxia Trust perpetual authorization and permission to copyright and/or publish in any media worldwide, any and all video and photographs taken of me without any compensation due to me. 

I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect and or approve the finished product and copy that may be used in connection therewith, or the use to which it may be applied.